Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why the Daffodil? 2/1/14

Why the daffodil? You know the daffodil in my profile picture?  They are one of my favorite flowers.  When we lived in England, we had this sprawling house on an enormous yard with trees, landscaping, grapevines, a full row of apple and pear trees.......and daffodil bulbs hidden all under the grass of the front yard.  Every year, when the grey skies would finally lift a bit and spring would give us a warm day or two, my front 'garden' was a sea of yellow daffodils.  I had never had them in any of my yards or gardens before that, so I was thrilled at their beauty and the ease with which the re-appeared every year.

Last year, I bought a bag of daffodil bulbs on a whim at Home Depot.  I had cleaned some pesky plants from around one of my pine trees in the back yard, leaving a small bed that was begging for some prettiness. The bag sat on the back porch for a few weeks until I finally got up and dug holes to plant them.  I surrounded my tree with daffodil bulbs, then had enough left over to line the edge of the flower bed up front. I crossed my fingers for them and forgot about them.

Well, I didn't totally forget.  I went out back to the tree every few days, looking for signs of life from underground. Sure enough, little green blades eventually forced themselves through the hard-packed dirt, and grew a little taller day by day.  Eventually, one of the blades had a lump at the top - a lump destined to be a flower.  In the time between planting those bulbs and seeing the possibility of a flower, we had some freezing weather, some very warm weather, stretches of no rain, suddenly too much rain - everything but snow and ice.  Not last year.  The leaves didn't care.  They grew taller and taller, until I predicted: "My daffodils will bloom by Easter, I can tell!"  I was very excited.  Bloom they did, and I took a little time out for a photo session.  The flower in the picture is indeed one of  MY daffodils.  I only brought a few inside to a vase.  I left them to put a smile on the yard.  It wasn't a sea, but it was a happy spot.  By the time they were gone, so was Scott.

The brown leaves wither away and you forget the bulbs are under the dirt.  They've been under there for almost a year, waiting, preparing, letting nature guide them as to when those leaves should start their journey again.  They've endured extreme heat, flooding rains, freezing temperatures, sleet, and numerous critters, domesticated and not.  They just know they are supposed to stay right there underground until nature says rebirth must happen.

The experience of the daffodil bulb (MY daffodils) is similar to the walk of grief.  I have endured paperwork, meetings, making huge decisions, breaking down, working in spite of all, and trying to be wise for a future that could maybe ever be happy again.  I'm getting there.  It's as natural as the daffodil leaves that I laugh a little more again.  That lady carrying five copies of a court document out of Office Depot?  That was me.  It's moving along as nature intended that probate court is finished and I must fill out more applications, file more paperwork....but it's leading somewhere.  About a week ago, I noticed the tips of the leaves peeking out of the ground.  The flowers will be back this year.  Nature has said "it's time", even though there was a freeze last week and another predicted for next week.  They know how to time it.  And they are strong.  They are hardy.  A beautiful flower that spreads joy for a season, then bends its head to go away and prepare to be reborn the next year.......that is "why the daffodil".  

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