Monday, March 26, 2018

Dogs and Cats Living Together.........

Mass hysteria. Marches. Media wars. Social media wars. Young people, older people. Politicians, neophytes. Name-callers, silent sufferers.

It's ugly right now.  Uglier than I remember anything being in a long time. The outcry against guns is met by an immediate "don't tread on me" defense.

I'm going to weigh in here.  Hardly anyone reads this so I can unload a bit. It's my right to own a gun.  It's also my responsibility to make sure nothing bad happens with that gun. Americans that are asking for more controls and law changes are begging to be treated as if they were in nursery school.

I do believe the current laws should be followed. I don't mind you doing a background check on me. I'm a responsible person.

I do mind if you try to take away my constitutional rights. Have any of those that are crying to be treated like infants aware of how many firearms there are in our nation? Enough where any change in law would not make an inch of a difference.

Step up, innocents.  Fight for better mental health care, more rights for schools and parents to discipline wayward children, more money for education and secure educational facilities.  There are concrete things that can make a difference.  Perhaps take a look at them?  Or..... just keep ranting about how all of the sudden the laws need to change and turn us into a day-care.

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