Friday, January 17, 2014

Gilbert O'Sullivan Said It Best 1/17/14

Gilbert O'Sullivan Said It Best. You know, that horribly sad song about being alone.  "Alone Again, Naturally".  (Thank you, Mom, for listening to cool music on WLCY when we were little.).That one could make me bawl out loud on a great day, when no heartache had ever touched me. The narrative of the mother losing the father, and she "couldn't understand why the only man she had ever loved had been taken....."  Yes, that song says it best. Haven't heard it in a while?  Here ya go:

Gilbert O'Sullivan - Alone Again, Naturally

I wanted to write about other songs with phrases that make the tears flow.  "Can I handle the seasons of my life?" (Landslide). "Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself, 'cause I love you..." (James Taylor).  But it's been too rough of a week, and I'm facing so many challenges right now - yes, right now, 8 1/2 months later - that I'm really proud if I remember to give the animals their food, because they need that to live.  I can't think of those songs.

The problem is: I like to be perfect. He enabled me to be perfect, because he was behind the scenes making everything perfect.  I'm trying now, good Lord, I'm trying.  It's not happening.  Everyone - that smiley me that you see every day?  That smart-aleck person that posts silly stuff?   That's not me.  That's the fake me.  The fake me HAS to exist, because I couldn't do life if she didn't.  I hope I'm so good at being fake that the little children don't know.  If you adults suspect, I'm fine with that.  Speak up.  Tell me again that I'll make it, I"m strong.....I need your encouragement.  That's a really difficult admission for someone that has made a career of looking people (sometimes very young people) in the  eye and saying "You can DO it!!"  Many, many of them DID do it, in whatever way, and I'm so proud.  I think I have a legacy out there.

I'll smile again on Tuesday.  And if you smile with me, and tell me it's okay not to be perfect, thank you.  I'm alone, but I'm not deserted.

1 comment:

  1. You CAN DO it!
    You ARE doing it,
    though NONE of us is perfect!
    You know all of this, but you wanted to be reminded :)

    Diane, your blog/journal is such a healthy coping, growing mechanism. Like all of the most painful and difficult of times in life, you will survive it, be better, be stronger, and eventually, be happy again. Sometimes we pretend with the children and sometimes they actually captivate us so we forget ourselves in their company. I am so very thankful you have these relationships, for they will help you survive until you find yourself again on the other side. They know and love you, which is such a beautiful gift at any time, but right now it is a lifeline, one I am so thankful is available to you. They see the beauty in you while you cannot. Keep trying to see yourself through their eyes, for they see beauty and truth as they really are. Much love and my prayers headed your way.
