Friday, June 28, 2024

Please help my sister!

 Six years ago, the world crumbled a bit. I learned that my baby sister had been diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. How could this happen? She got yearly checkups, and she was only 52 years old! She has been hanging in there for these six years, due to medications and some radiation. Expensive medications. 

My sister has done everything right. She is on disability Medicare and is medically retired from teaching. She has used her savings up on copays and over the counter necessities that can cost thousands per month. 

She knows what this disease will do. So she is planning for the end. To pay for medications and get legal advice for her adult special needs daughter, there is a Go Fund Me. If you feel led to help out, God Bless you. If you are not able, please share among your friends. 

Thank you.