Everyone wants something done. There is not a soul that says "Oh, just leave EVERYTHING the way it is, it's working great!" Everyone is standing around a perfectly round circle, looking toward the center from their personal viewpoint. Many, many points on the circle claim that this is their time to take charge. This is their time to change what they see as the root of the problem. Students have a view. Lawmakers have a view. Teachers have a view. Parents have a view. Law-abiding gun owners have a view. Politicians have a view. Even within each group mentioned, the views may differ widely.
With the advent of immediate news and social networking, it is a foregone conclusion that a democracy such as America sometimes boils down to the fact that the side that makes the most noise wins. The side that can inflict the most public shame on the other side wins. What one side thinks is the absolute white to the other side's black and the other side is stupid beyond all belief.
Tragedy creates outcry. The strength and effectiveness of the outcry is in direct correlation to the degree of the tragedy. When there is alignment between horrific tragedy, a wide net of procedures that were bent or broken, and well-spoken young Americans creating the outcry, the media forces us to pay attention.
It is not my intent in writing this to declare where I am on the circle. It is my intent to possibly have anyone on any arc of the circle look around and realize there are 360 degrees to the viewpoints that have ideas as to how to respond to this tragedy. Yes, many things can be addressed; but let's try to be logical!
Are there already laws that aren't being followed? How about we put some energy and funds into enforcing those laws? Are there common sense things you can do to prevent that type of tragedy from happening again? Do it! Make it a habit! Just today, I was a local headline on a story about thieves stealing from vehicles; it said "Residents, lock your doors!". The mindset of a time and place where doors could be left unlocked is not conducive to preventing the type of tragedy we have seen recently. Times have changed. Taking your shoes off at airport security is a pain, but we do it and feel safer for it! Are you a parent that doesn't snoop? Do it!! Go through their stuff. Do they pay for it? Chances are if they do, it's a very small portion. Look through backpacks, purses, phones, closets, drawers, computer browsing history, cars - and yes, you may get a bit of a broken heart in doing so, but you will also stay in touch and hopefully learn when to seek help.
Once we step up to the plate with what is already in place, then we can look and see if any big new changes make sense. Logically.
Try to turn your neck and look at the views on the left and right of your position on the circle. If someone expresses their view from their arc, don't cry stupidity the moment you realize they come from a different angle. Be logical. Imagine that you have to answer for your beliefs and your statements. Don't believe something just because of social media or because someone in Hollywood said so. Be aware that the media - all of it - is the product of humans. Talk to people. Be nice to people. Know that drastic times call for logical intelligence more than they do drastic measures.