I heard long ago that security of life is different in third world countries than it is here. That they understand the fact that not all their friends and family will even make it to adulthood. I am so saddened to see that things are starting to look that way in the U.S.A. We barely move on from the news of one shooting when another happens. When did people become so violent? It's not the availability of the weapons. It's not that we need prison reform. It's not the failing of any system or program, although many are failing. It's simply that, somewhere along the way, some humans have decided for themselves that it's perfectly acceptable to take a life. Or many.
It is not.
It's not ok to hurt or kill another person. It's just not. I don't know where the breakdown is, but we must rise up and agree that killing is wrong. We must encourage and teach each other, old or young, that killing another person is wrong. Forget about blaming inanimate objects and start joining together teaching that we can be nice. We CAN not kill. Because it's not ok.